Thursday, July 24, 2008

Online banking @ WaMu

Being tired of going to the bank directly and waiting for along q I have been searching for an online savings bank account and couldn’t find any bank with satisfactory until recently I found the WaMu the Washington mutual . all you have to do is just visit the site. After visiting the site you have to enter the zip postal code so that they will inform you the nearest bank of them around you. I have tried it and man its great. It’s on where we can get our savings account or certificate of Deposit (CD) to reach our savings goals. WaMu also offers its customers a wide range of services and some of them are.. Online Savings
Statement Savings, Traditional CD, online CD, Liquid CD. WaMu is one of the few banks which offer a good interst rates for their customers. we can earn market money rates on our savings with guaranteed great rate money market account by opening wamu’s money market saving account. Their site is really easy even for a layman to do banking. May it be applying for loan or credit card’s. WaMu offers different services in load section depending upon the customer’s requirement. under customer service u can find answers for ur queries. And they have a toll free numbers for the customers needs. Well wat are u waiting for just visit the site and create a savings account for urself..